Usage Statistics - Who is using which browser?
Ever wonder who
is using which browser, which version, or how fast some of the new web
browsers are catching on in the marketplace? Here is a breakdown of
browser usage based on our server log files. Interpret these stats as
you will but here is our take: IE 5 is catching on fast!
May, 1999
Microsoft Internet Explorer 52.44% of total hits to
How the IE users break down: (numbers in brackets are previous month stats)
Explorer 4.x - 58.8% (59.56)
Explorer 5.x - 33.64% (32.33)
Explorer 3.x - 5.67% (6.37)
Explorer 2.x - 1.86% (1.71)
Netscape Navigator / Communicator 40.89% of total hits to
How the Netscape users break down:
(numbers in brackets are previous month stats)
Netscape 4.x - 85.54% (85.17)
Netscape 3.x - 13.45% (13.75)
Netscape 2.x - 0.92% (1)
Netscape 1.x - 0.05% (0.04)
March, 1999
Microsoft Internet Explorer 52.22% of total hits to
How the IE users break down:
Explorer 4.x - 59.56%
Explorer 5.x - 32.33%
Explorer 3.x - 6.37%
Explorer 2.x - 1.71%
Netscape Navigator / Communicator 41.15% of total hits to
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