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 • An overview of setting up a new schema and table in Oracle 9i

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An overview of setting up a new schema and table in Oracle 9i

Category: Oracle
Category: Setting up new Schemas and Tables

Setting up a new Schema in Oracle Summary: 1. create the TableSpace 2. create the user 3. set the user's Quota for the TableSpace 4. create the Schema 5. create tables etc. as necessary Create a TableSpace for the Schema under Storage > TableSpaces In Security > Users: Create a new user with the desired Schema name as the User name On the Quota tab make sure you set this user's quota for the desired TableSpace to Unlimited or the desired value in KB. Click on the Tablespace to highlight it then change the value at the bottom of the screen and click Apply To create the Schema in SQL Plus: CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION is the name of both the logged in user and the Schema which will be created. Once the Schema has been created, tables etc. can be added from Oracle Enterprise Manager. Creating a Trigger to update an Autonumber (Self-incrementing) field 1. Create a Sequence with the desired name (use a name similar to the related table or field) Schema > schemaname > Sequences The default values will create a Sequence which starts at 1 and increments by 1 each time. Schema > schemaname > Tables > tablename > Triggers: Create a new trigger for the desired Table In Trigger body enter the following, replacing sequencename with the name of the Sequence created above and fieldname with the name of the field which should be automatically filled in: DECLARE m_no NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT sequencename.nextval INTO :new.fieldname FROM dual; END; On the Trigger Event tab choose Before and Insert On the Advanced tab choose Trigger for each row Creating a trigger to automatically insert today's date into a "MODIFIED_DATE" field to record modifications to a record Set the trigger to fire before the insert or update of any desired columns, and choose Trigger for each row Trigger body: begin :new.EVENT_MOD_DATE := sysdate; end; Creating a trigger to store the IP Address of the connected client (will only store the IP address of the web server if the client is using a web browser) begin Select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') INTO :new.FIELDNAME FROM Dual; end; Connecting to an Oracle database with ASP VBScript and ADO Assuming a standard install of Oracle 9i on IIS and tnsname is a valid TNS name listed in TNSNAMES.ORA : <% ' CREATE THE ORACLE DATABASE CONNECTION Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("tnsname", "username/password", Cint(0)) ' set up SQL statement strSQL = "select * from TBL_NAME ORDER BY FIELD_NAME" ' populate recordset from ORACLE connection Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.DbCreateDynaset(strSQL, cint(0)) if OraDynaset.EOF then response.write("No records found.") else ' loop through records do until OraDynaset.EOF ' display data here response.write("Record found") ' display real info here response.write( OraDynaset("fieldname") ) OraDynaset.moveNext loop end if %> To connect to Oracle using standard ADO / ODBC objects In Windows 2000 Server: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) Add a System DSN to connect to the Oracle database: click on the System DSN tab, click Add, choose Oracle in OraHome (or similar) as the driver. Again this assumes that tnsname is a valid TNS name which appears in the TNSNAMES.ORA


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