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 • How do I get a RecordSet (a bunch of records) from a database using ASP?
  Once I have my RecordSet (a bunch of records) from my database, how do I loop through the records and display them using ASP?  Read

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How do I get a RecordSet (a bunch of records) from a database using ASP?

Category: ASP
Category: Database

There are two steps involved in getting a recordset (collection of records) from your database, whether it's Oracle, SQL Server or lowly Microsoft Access (which this site uses): first you create an ADO connection to the database, then you get your recordset.

<% ' declare the variable
dim Conn
' create Conn, our variable which holds the ADO connection
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

' to open the connection, use one of these two options:

'option 1 - if you have set up a DSN on your server via Data Sources (ODBC) or equivalent to connect to a server-based database such as SQL Server or Oracle

Conn.Open "DSNNAME"

'option 2 - if you have a database in a file on your web server e.g. a Microsoft Access MDB file

strPath = server.MapPath("/directoryName/filename.mdb") ' enter the appropriate dir/file names
Conn.ConnectionString = "DBQ=" + strPath + ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"

At this point you have a variable Conn which is an ADO connection to your database. Next you have to create your recordset and get some data:


dim rsName, strSQL
SET rsName = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")

' strSQL contains our SQL select statement, something you hopefully know how to compose
' shown here are some typical things you will have in there such as the tableName, fieldNames, comparison operators, an ORDER BY field, etc.

strSQL = "select * from tableName WHERE fieldName1='whatever' AND fieldName2 LIKE '%text%' ORDER BY fieldName3 ; "
rsName.Open strSQL, Conn


So at this point you have a recordset full of data from your database, or an empty recordset. Normally you would check to see if the recordset is empty - if so, return an error or message, and if not, loop through the data and display it.


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