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JavaScript > Forms articles:

  How do I have the list of OPTIONs in a SELECT listbox change depending on the selection in another listbox?  Read
 • How do I scroll a SELECT MULTIPLE input / listbox so that the SELECTED OPTION is visible?
  How do use buttons to insert text (e.g. HTML tags) into a TEXTAREA at the cursor position?  Read
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How do I scroll a SELECT MULTIPLE input / listbox so that the SELECTED OPTION is visible?

Category: JavaScript
Category: Forms


We are building a search form with a SELECT MULTIPLE input / listbox (whatever you want to call it) with a list of User ID's in alphabetical order.

Since usually, in this particular application, the user will be searching for records which they created, when we generate the list of OPTION tags from the database we set the SELECTED attribute for the current user ID (which we store in a Session variable). That is all fine and good, but if the user's name starts with "Z", their ID will appear at the end of the list and it won't be visible.

So how do we scroll the list, without knowing in advance which OPTION will be selected, so that the SELECTED OPTION is visible?


The solution involves the little script below. This script assumes that your FORM is named "form1" and the SELECT MULTIPLE that you want to scroll is called "select2" but change these as necessary.


After much playing around with this script and it NOT working, I realized the problem was in the placement. You have to have the script at the very end of the page, outside of any forms, tables etc. This is likely because the browser has to render the whole page before it can start jumping around in the form fields and highlighting things. Also it is interesting to note that the SCROLLTOP property of the SELECT does not seem to have any effect, e.g. trying something like:


does not work despite the documentation of the scrollTop property which seems to indicate otherwise.


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